MSA GB East Coast training day

MSA GB East Coast training day

Sunday 27th October – Training Day / including AGM 

This event will now be an online event

Proposed program 

10.00 Opening by chairman Mike Yeomans

10.10 Driving cars in the future what will you need to change to teach drivers?

10.40 Confident drivers – Kev & Tracey Field

11.25 Comfort break – pastries & tea/coffee

11.55 Local DVSA staff member – to be confirmed

Which will include a Q&A session

12.45 Peter Harvey MBE

13.15 AGM

13.30 close

For further details and to book your place, please email:

Please supply your name and a contact number in case we need to contact you.

Program & timings subject to change



Price  £


October 27, 2024




Online - Via Zoom