DVSA update: Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users needed for DVSA user research

DVSA has commissioned research with Deaf BSL users about their experience preparing for and taking the driving theory test.  

How your pupils can help

If you have Deaf BSL students who would like to be involved, please forward them this link to a video that explains our research and invites them to participate in a research interview.   

The interview will be conducted over Microsoft Teams with the option of a BSL interpreter. It will last about 1 hour 10 minutes, with time for a break.  

Participants will receive a £50 Love2shop voucher to thank them for their time.  

How you can help

Although we primarily want to speak to Deaf BSL users, we are also interested in the experience of the approved driving instructors who support them.  

If you have any thoughts or insights into the BSL version of the theory test, please fill out this – short survey.

Thank you

We will use this research to identify if we can make the BSL theory test fairer for candidates. Thank you for your support in letting your Deaf BSL students know about it.   If you would like further information please contact tayo.akinbolaji@digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk or call on 07895 13349.  


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