ADI survey for 2024: Get ready to share your views
DVSA are excited to announce that their annual national survey will be starting on Sunday 1 September 2024.
This survey is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and insights as an approved driving instructor (ADI) in Great Britain.
Last year, DVSA ran this annual survey in June. They had to postpone this year because of the general election, however, next year the survey will run again in June.
They run this survey to understand what it’s like to work as an ADI. Last year, 5,795 ADIs participated, and they hope to hear from even more of you this year.
What to expect
- The survey will take between 10 – 20 minutes to complete.
- The survey is anonymous and does not ask for your name or ADI number. Your responses will not be shared or published individually.
- The survey will remain open until 11:59pm on Monday 30 September 2024.
What’s in the survey
The survey includes questions to help DVSA and ADI associations to understand more about:
- your business, such as changes in lesson prices and the cars you teach in
- how you manage your pupils, including how many you have and your waiting list for lessons
- the types of learners that you’re teaching
- your work, focusing on how much you enjoy it and any new challenges you face
- continuing education, especially on topics like switching from manual to electric cars
- your thoughts on advanced driver assistance systems on cars
- the support and resources you get from DVSA
- your health and wellbeing
By filling out this survey, you’ll help them get the best understanding of the driving instructor profession in Great Britain. They’ll use the information you give them to help them plan and improve their services for ADIs and learner drivers.
What happens next
DVSA will publish a summary of the survey results on GOV UK and send you a link to view them later this year.
You can look at previous survey results on GOV.UK.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Your insights are invaluable to them and they look forward to hearing from you soon.