East Coast – Level 1 Awareness of Safeguarding: 4-hour course

East Coast – Level 1 Awareness of Safeguarding: 4-hour course

Neil Wightman is a driving mentor who is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their full potential. As an ORDIT (Official Register of Driving Instructor Training) registered instructor trainer, Neil is recognised for his expertise and qualifications in training driving instructors.

Furthermore, Neil is a safeguarding instructor, which indicates his commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of his students. Safeguarding instructors play a crucial role in educating driving instructors about child protection, vulnerable adult safeguarding, and other related topics.
Neil takes pride in his work and is passionate about assisting others in reaching their highest potential.

Safeguarding is how we can protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect by the actions, or lack of actions, of another person. In order to safeguard and protect persons from abuse or neglect, we need to learn how to identify vulnerable individuals and take necessary steps to stop abuse and neglect.

This qualification is suitable for all persons and will provide an understanding of safeguarding which can be used in a workplace, activity group or any instance where a person comes into contact with children or adults at risk. The qualification provides learners with the knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person.

Course Date:

4th April at 1000-1500 via zoom, there will be a break for lunch at a suitable time.

The discounted cost to MSA members is £45 and to non-members £70.

All participants will receive a certificate for completing level 1 and work booklet.

A joining link will be sent nearer the event.

Hope to see you there.


Paul Harmes
MSA GB Area 2
Deputy Chairman



Member  £45
Non member  £70


April 4, 2024

