Tyre Safety Webinar – FREE TO ATTEND – An Introduction to TyreSafe

Tyre Safety Webinar – FREE TO ATTEND – An Introduction to TyreSafe

Tyres are fundamental to how a vehicle accelerates, brakes and steers, and the only automotive technology unlikely to change in the near future. Maintaining tyres in a roadworthy condition is an essential skill for all drivers but unfortunately there are few opportunities for them to learn.

TyreSafe, the UK’s charity for promoting tyre safety, has reached out to MSA GB to offer its members the opportunity to take advantage of its assets and expertise so they can pass on to learner drivers an understanding of the importance of regular tyre checks and how to carry them out. Leaflets, electronic assets and most importantly the best practice knowledge can be yours without cost, apart from the postage of print materials .

To give you an introduction to TyreSafe and its educational materials, two dates have been arranged for half-hour online webinars, which you would be welcome to join. There will also be time for a Q&A session at the end of the webinars.

If you would like to join on of these sessions, please write to info@msagb.com and indicate which one you’d like to attend. We look forward to seeing you there.

  1. Monday 3rd October 7pm
  2. Thursday 6th October 7pm



October 3, 2022

