MSA GB partners with AI Insurance Solutions Limited to provide members with Dual Control Cars for when things don’t quite go to plan.
A critical service to driving instructors is the provision of a dual-controlled replacement vehicle for non-fault and fault accidents. But in recent months, we have had several calls from MSA GB members across the country who have been let down by their insurance company not being able to supply a dual-controlled vehicle when they have had an accident, they are usually offered a replacement vehicle, when no dual control vehicle is available, not a lot of good when running a driving school.
Understanding the stress and the detriment to your business this can cause, we are pleased to announce that we have formed an exclusive agreement with AI solutions Ltd to supply a replacement vehicle to you should the need arise. This means that MSA GB members will be able to obtain both a replacement manual or automatic dual-controlled car for both fault and non-fault accidents, without the need to buy an extra insurance policy to cover the risk.
The cost of using this new service is zero. You don’t need to register or buy an insurance policy. If you need to use the service the cost of your replacement vehicle will be charged either to their insurance policy or yours, depending entirely on who is at fault. Additionally, if the vehicle needs to be recovered, this also will be charged to the appropriate insurer.
However, we must stress that this does not impose any restrictions on where you get your vehicle repaired. The FCA states under “treating customers fairly” that – ‘a policyholder does not have to use the services of their broker or insurer but can access any service they choose without their instructor insurance policy being invalidated.’
So, in the event of an accident you simply need to contact The AI Insurance Solutions Emergency assistance line on 01945 425211, AIIS will then inform your insurer and organise for your replacement dual controlled car to be delivered to your chosen location as soon as possible. If your vehicle is drivable and legal post event, then it is best to arrange a delivery to the body repairer at an agreed time. If the vehicle however is not drivable, then AI Solutions will ensure that it is delivered to the most convenient location for you.
Sadly, statistically, accidents happen, but with this new agreement we hope to ensure that any impact to MSA GB members is kept to a minimum.
Q: How do I use the service?
A: You can just call our emergency assistance number on 01945 425211
Q:What will the service cost me?
A: Just the cost of a call
Q: What if my vehicle is not drivable?
A: We will recover the vehicle to safe storage and get you home or to a nominated location.
Q: Should I notify my insurance company?
A: absolutely, although we will also talk to them to confirm hire provision and where appropriate details of the repairer
Q: is this an insurance product that I need to purchase?
A: No, the service is provided to you on a no cost basis
Q: what if my vehicle is drivable?
A: we can arrange for an estimate to completed and deliver the car to the repairer to ensure that you are mobile throughout the process and that there is no loss of income.