The ‘Book to Hold’ facility on the ADI booking system means you can book and pay for an ADI qualifying test or standards check even if no suitable date is immediately available.
Using the facility helps the DVSA to manage demand for tests at individual centres across the country and deploy examiners accordingly. This means more instructors and potential instructors can take a test on their preferred date or close to it.
To enable them to match examiner availability with test demand even more closely, please follow these guidelines when using the “book to hold” facility.
- Only request a date within the 12-week booking window.
- Wait until you feel ready to take the test before you request one, this will help to increase your chances of success first time.
- Don’t request a date outside the 12 week booking window for a Standards Check as it must be completed within three months of receiving your invitation and DVSA are likely to move the date forward.
Using “Book to Hold” correctly means the DVSA can allocate examiners where they’re needed and ensure as many candidates as possible get a test on (or close to) their preferred date.
A step by step guide to becoming a car driving instructor and booking tests can be found on GOV.UK. If you have any additional questions about your ADI test which is currently on hold you can contact the DVSA at customerservices@dvsa.gov.uk