MSA GB Conference 2023

Have you booked your ticket for the MSA GB annual conference on 10 – 11 March, then it’s not to late!

After a 3-year hiatus, this year’s event is set to be bigger and better than ever, as we bring together delegates from across the UK, to meet with leading figures from the motoring and road safety sectors. Each one ready to impart their knowledge, opinions, and expertise to our attendees.


DVSA, Peter Hearn

Confident Drivers, Ken, and Tracey Field

Tri-Coaching Partnership Ltd – Graham Hooper Coach & Mentor IAPC & M AFC AFM ORDI

TSO, Lucy McKay Partnership Manager

More speakers still to be confirmed!


With a jam-packed programme of presentations, not only does the conference provide the perfect opportunity to get up to date on the latest industry news and views, but there will be plenty of time for networking. So, you can catch up with old friends and forge new connections which could prove prosperous in 2023. We will also have our ever-popular question time, hosted by our national chairman – Peter Harvey, who will make sure your questions are put to the speakers.

Evening Entertainment

There is entertainment on both the Friday & Saturday evenings, for those guests staying for the weekend, on Friday, we will be hosting an informal buffet supper with some light entertainment, and a traditional Scottish event on the Saturday, giving you another chance to network, but in a more relaxed setting. You can book for either or both as required, or simply come along as a day delegate on the Saturday, where the cost is £48.


Whether you’re just looking to attend for the day or want to immerse yourself in the full conference experience we have a ticket package to suit, including the opportunity to bring a non-delegate for an extra £98. We also have exclusive hotel rates for those who wish to make a weekend of it.

To find out more about this year’s event, click here.

Also please note that if you have already booked for this year’s conference you’re already in the system and will shortly be receiving an update on the weekend’s proceedings.


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