Free course for instructors
Road Safety GB are promoting the Ageing Driver Course for ADI’s and Potential ADI’s. They have 300 free courses (normal cost £75) to offer at a first come first serve basis.
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, especially those who want to work with this age group or are currently working with this age group.
Details of the course and registration can be found here: https://rsgbacademy.org.uk/training-courses/the-ageing-driver-adi-training-course/
This course is accredited and can be used by ADI’s for their CPD as recognised by DVSA and fully evaluated.
The course will: Develop an ADI’s understanding of:
Common collisions experienced by older drivers
How the ageing process may impact on:
Hazard perceptions skills
Strength and flexibility
The need to promote self-assessment skills
The role of diabetes
How to prepare for driving retirement
Professional boundaries.