DVSA have just announced their plan to help reduce the massive waiting lists for tests around the country, we just wanted to make you aware, that your pupils are now likely to be finding tests much sooner than you had planned, it may be worth having a discussion with them in advance about the risks of accepting a test without first consulting with you.

To help tackle the high driving test waiting times, DVSA is making around 150,000 additional test appointments available over the next 6 months. They are doing this by deploying more trained staff to carry out driving tests full time up to 31 March 2024.
Most people who are trained to do a driving test are driving examiners. However some staff who are trained have moved on to other roles in the agency, including as local driving test managers, operational managers and policy experts. Until now some of these individuals have been testing in addition to their usual job.
DVSA are now asking them to do driving tests full-time, which will mean they are unable to do their usual roles. They will do all they can to limit the effect this has on the other services they offer.
How ADI testing and standards checks will be affected
During this time DVSA will significantly reduce the number of standards checks and will continue to offer ADI part 2 and 3 tests. If they need to cancel or rearrange your standards check they will contact you.
DVSA will continue to monitor driving test performance whilst prioritising car driving tests.
Putting the additional tests on the booking service
On Monday 2 October DVSA will start to add these extra appointments to the booking service. This will cover test appointments for 6 October to 3 November.
It will take a few days for all the appointments to be added.
Then on 16 October, they will start to add appointments for 4 November to 18 November.
Again, it will take a few days for all the appointments to be added.
They’ll repeat this every 2 weeks. For example, they’ll add more appointments on 30 October, 13 November and so on.
DVSA will continue to do this until additional appointments are available up to 31 March 2024.
Making the most of the additional tests
It’s really important that they make every additional test count to work together to reduce the current high driving test waiting times.
They know that many of your pupils have been using the Ready to Pass? campaign resources to help prepare for their test – and found them really useful.
They also know that many of you have used the resources on the site to work with your pupils to make sure they only go for their test when they are ready to do so. The campaign has been designed to support you and reinforce the messages you already give your pupils. You can visit the campaign website for 10 ways that you can help us spread the word.